salvation preached, that does not ultimately save, is a salvation not worth the
having, and the sooner you get rid of the "god" of such a salvation the better
suited you are for Christ who will keep his sheep." Brad
Burten Answer
to your question: "What
do you believe?"
Gospel is at the bottom of the page  I
believe every word, including the italics, in the above Confession is
inspired, and ANY man-made amendation to, or deletion from, the above confession,
which is held in any way authoritative, is blasphemous.I
have NO creed but the King James Bible without footnotes.
need no other argument, I need no other plea; It is enough that Jesus
died, And that He died for me
follows is a small handfull of my beliefs based
on the above Confession, and none of my editorial below is inspired, nor
may you require ANYONE to agree with it: ___________________________________
believe God created the heavens and the earth in six 24 hour days. God rested
the 7th day, and he did NOT create Adam the 8th day as is taught by certain blithering
idiots. I believe that the daughters of man and the sons of God in Genesis
had nothing to do with angels. Yannis, reptilians, Greys, ancient giants,
modern day incubi and succubi, and any other ETs or funny friends of Hollywood,
are devils, and have nothing to do with Genesis. I
believe God sent a universal flood to cover the earth, and only four married couples
survived that flood. I believe that Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of
Noah, are the three fathers of three distinct human races which God does not want
confounded by intermarriage (Chap. 10). I
believe that God wants all men to eat red meat (Chap. 9). I
agree with Jehovah in his great solution to sin found in Chapter 19.
believe that about two million Jews crossed the Red Sea (not a swamp) on dry land.
the 10% of you who did not click out after that first statement :-), I believe
Moses wore the same pair of shoes for 40 years. I believe the Ten Commandments,
and the Law of Moses, are the basis of conviction of sin, or the "schoolmaster,"
which convinces sinners of all ages that they are fallen and in need of a Savior.
After salvation in this Age of Grace, a saint is no longer under the "yoke
of bondage" of the law, and all efforts to Hebrewize the Lord's Church are the
works of devils. Outside
the Lord's Church, the closer any nation sets its course to God's law, the better
life will be in that nation, though it is NOT the Church's task to enforce God's
law in open society-- That is Caesar's acre.
believe that any civil law not based upon the foundation of Moses' Law (the Torah
as fulfilled in Christ's law), in Exodus and Leviticus, is a mongrel law and hatched
in hell by Satan. While
the New Testament saint is under Grace, not Law, I believe the Law was a good
and perfect representation of the holiness of Jehovah.
believe that when evil men like Balaam prevail, God can cause a jack ass to rebuke
those men. I would rather be a jack ass than a profane prophet (Chapter
22-23). I believe that God does not want the races confounded, but if a
man and woman do marry outside of this ideal, it is no longer any of my business--
"One flesh" is higher law than maintaining the racial bounds of habitation (Chapter
believe that there has never been a greater human prophet of the law than Moses
(34:10). Moses Maimonides was a mongrel wimp who didn't even write in Hebrew
but in Arabic in deference to his Muslim overlords. Moses did signs and wonders
and saw God in Sinai-- this I believe. I believe that I shall see Moses
in the Kingdom of Messiah eyeball to eyeball.
I believe that the walls
of Jericho fell to the ground as God's saints shouted. I believe there are
only two choices for man-- Baal or God. To refuse to choose is a choice
for Baal (Satan).
believe in the God of Ehud, Japhtha, Gideon, Deborah, Barak, and Jael. I
believe that the nation which has known God and turns to idols and paganism will
be destroyed.
believe a Moabite Gentile outcast woman added her blood to the lineage of Jesus
Christ. If God received her into the Messianic heritage, He will also adopt
me into His Royal Priesthood if I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
believe that God only uses men who are humble enough to go looking for lost jack
asses (Chapter 8). I believe that it is witchcraft to spare even one heretic from
divine retribution, now or in eternity (Chapter 15).
believe that David's throne will be restored to Messiah, NOT during the Church
Age, nor by human zeal, but in the coming Kingdom of Messiah. The next throne
in Zion will be the throne of Satan and/or the Pope. Any local church which sends
funds to sustain the state of Israel at this time is funding Satan's program.
believe Solomon's temple was built for Jewish worship, and it is NOT a type of
anything in the New Testament, unless Jesus or New Testament writers said so specifically.
The Old Testament temple is NOT a type of my mind, body, or soul. I
believe that death and hell are the only destiny of very religious prophets and
preachers who lead God's people to worship any god other than Jehovah (Chapter
18). Hyles worship will land you in hell by and by. I believe that one man
and God make a unanimous majority. I believe that a million Fundamental Baptists
who all follow each other in single file will all run straight into hell, even
if they are all carrying a King James Bible. Bible believers follow ONLY Jesus
believe that mixed worship, combining the holy and the profane, as in Charismania,
is an abomination to God (Chapter 17). I believe that those who reject God's
rule over them will be lead captive into sin and defeat.
believe that God expects real men of His to be mighty and unpredictable in zeal
(Chapter 11).
believe a saint is a fool to go help backslidden religious rebels out of a bind
they got into by rebellion against God (Chapter 18). You see, I would rather go
down in a pit with a lion than rest my head on a mahogany desk in a mammoth church
house and snooze my life away. 1 Chronicles
11:22 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man of Kabzeel, who had
done many acts; he slew two lionlike men of Moab: also he went down and slew a
lion in a pit in a snowy day. Oh my
God, I desire to be such a father as Kabzeel.
I believe that revival comes,
not by laughing, barking like dogs, vomiting, and jerking about, but revival comes
by repentance and weeping for sin (Chapter 10). The best place to have a revival
is in my chair in the corner of the living room with my KJV open to the next place
I am reading. The mongrel "altar call" of modern Christendom, whether
the Whore's Mass or Baptist weeping rail, is no substitute for simply obeying
the Word of God as God reveals it to me. By
the way, there is no "River of Renewal" in the Word of God. They who
jump in thereat may well drown in Satanic bilge water.
believe that EVERY man who is faithful to God WILL be enticed by Satan's servants
to go down to "fellowship" with backsliders and pagans (Chapter 6). And,
95% of the pagans will be found in church Sunday morning. ALL ecumenism and synergism
today with "the area ministerial council" is gross compromise. So is fellowship
with ANY apostate, including joining together to "win souls" as practiced by thousands
of Evangelicals and Fundamentalists today. Amos
3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed? I
believe that it is wicked for saved saints to marry unsaved sinners (Chapter 13).
believe God will not put His holy Name and blessing on that which is based upon
human zeal alone, but He WILL get the Glory. Refusing to bow to Caesar and his
officials in common courtesy is not wise. Bowing in worship is wicked. That includes
voting for a wicked Freemason simply because he can say "Jesus" in public.
believe that a truly godly saint will be attacked by counterfeit believers who
have perverted all reasoning. I believe it is wicked to quote the sayings of "Job's
Friends" as proof texting in a Bible teaching session.
believe that the Book of Psalms is first and foremost a book of doctrine, not
just some clever poetry to put in Hallmark greeting cards. I believe that the
zeal and might of worship and praise of David's day is missing in Fundamental
churches today. This should cause us to ask the Holy Ghost to stir us up again.
Selah! AMEN
believe that a woman who goes out "looking good" for any man other than her own
husband is worse than a whore. At least whores have enough self-respect
to ask to be paid to undress. Church house hustling mammas just give it away free,
and their wimpy husbands think it is cute. A godly local church pastor will tell
these wimpy husbands to take their slut and move on. I did this once, and the
woman was so troubled that she repented and later thanked me for it. I rebuked
her through her husband, not to her face to face!!!! I
believe that a godly woman will be totally "fulfilled" as she rejoices in keeping
the home as her full time job (Chapter 31). If she needs income, she will find
it at home. I
believe that a fool must be identified as a fool publicly, just as Proverbs speaks
frequently of fools of every kind. And, YOU are a fool if you think the Christian
life is motivated by tact instead of open zeal. (cf II Corinthians 7:11) A
lot of slow bellied preachers need to put the proverbial knife to their throats
and deflate their blimp like bellies: Proverbs
23:1 When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before
thee: 2 And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. Fat
boys don't make good spiritual warriors-- they make good porn con-a-sewers.
believe that the Song of Solomon is ONLY a manual on marriage. Nowhere in
the New Testament is the Song of Solomon referred to as a type of Jesus and the
Church. I believe that if Song of Solomon were practiced literally as the doctrine
of marriage, there would never be adultery in the Lord's Church.
believe that all of life is vanity except soul winning, edifying saints, and worship
of God (corporately or alone). Good vanity is given to man by God to fill
his days with joy and to reward man for man's hard work and correct attitudes.
The vanity of the wicked is given to him to punish him or make him desire
to be a child of God. Some vanity is sinful, but only if it cannot be taken
with thanksgiving and doctrine. (cf I Timothy 4:4) My
favorite vanity is enjoying my wife and family-- Second is a good cup of Arabica
coffee and baklava. Thank you, my Lord, for baklava. Also, thank you, my
Lord, for the reader who has made it this far and understands what I am talking
about. Good
vanity helps us learn to order our days wisely and not go crazy, but we must be
careful to remember that enjoying good vanity gets us NO reward in the Glory.
Now, if you sponsor me to coffee and baklava somewhere, I believe you will get
a reward for that. :-) I
also believe that a man can start out very well, like Solomon, with God's wisdom
and piety, and still give himself to folly and madness. By the grace of God, I
desire to avoid this sorry experience, as Solomon warns me in his preaching. The
preacher, Solomon, taught us all to enjoy our good vanity in God. Any preacher
who denies the saints the joy of good vanity, by driving them like slaves, and
by sheering them so close that they cannot afford to buy their wife roses, is
a devil. I hate such preachers and dedicate my life to destroy them. They are
Hebrews 12:8 bastards. Yes, I said BASTARDS! Born of the Whore! More worthless
than the afterbirth!
believe that a man who never weeps over sinners is a slow belly (cf Ezekiel 24).
He is NOT qualified to be used of God except as a spiritual chamber pot
or spittoon-- a castaway (cf I Cor. 9:27).
believe that the "original manuscript" of Jeremiah was seen by only three men,
and then it was burned. The second manuscript was thrown in the Euphrates
River, and the "oldest manuscript" is the third edition. This teaches me
that the oldest manuscript is pointless as long as my God promises to preserve
His Word to all ages and for eternity, which I believe. My King James Bible
is just as accurate and complete as the first, second, and third editions of Jeremiah.
Thus, my KJV has additions made by God which the oldest manuscript of Jeremiah
did not have. I believe that Babylon, restored by Saddam Hussein, must become
the seat of world religious power (cf Zech. 5) and then be totally destroyed by
the earths armies before the Kingdom rule of Messiah (Jer. 50-51).
believe that Jesus Christ was prophesied, long before He came, by the prophets
like Isaiah. I believe that the verse, 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut
down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
is speaking of Satan, and He is not "the morning star" as the NIV states.
The NIV in this one verse has proven itself to be the work of damnable blasphemers
who were inspired from the toilet of hell, and I say that charitably of course.
To promote this blasphemy will be grounds for damnation at the Great White
Throne Judgment. Those who know this about the NIV, yet persist in using the NIV,
may well have damned themselves to hell, no matter what wonderful church they
attend, and no matter what seminary that whited their sepulcher. Damascus,
the oldest continuously existing city in the world, must be leveled and wiped
off the face of the earth soon before Messiah comes to earth to rule. The
family of father Abraham will one day be united and worship Messiah in Jerusalem.
This includes the Arabs, the sons of Ishmael. (Isaiah 60)
believe that if God tells a man to go play in the dirt with a piece of tile and
a pan and to lie on his side there for 390 days, he better do it, even if his
friends think he is crazy (Chapter 4). If a man does not rebuke backsliders,
God will require it of the man whom God called to rebuke that man (Chapter 3).
Rebuke is essential to a "well rounded" ministry and a complete resumé.
believe that the "dry bones" (Jews) of Israel and Judah are scattered all over
the world today, and shortly Messiah Jesus Christ will gather those Jews again
to initiate His literal 1000 year reign in the Middle East. Those wimps who will
not take these promises literally are treacherous scoundrels, right to the pinnacle
of their PhD (Piled Higher and Deeper) pilum lapidus in Calvin Seminary. I
believe Gog and Magog, Russia, along with Germany, will soon march against Israel
and be defeated by Jehovah without the Pentagon's help. Quote:
Orrie Cochrane-- Soul Winner-- When I asked what PhD meant one Sunday morning,
Orrie exclaimed: "Phooey and Damnation"
This is as close to the truth as I think one can make it. I
believe there are only two catagories for everything in life and on this earth--
profane or holy. There is no gray area. (44:23)
I believe the the three
Hebrew children walked around in a furnace with Jesus Christ. The book of
Daniel tells of the end times and the literal tribulation of the nation of Israel
(NOT the Church) in the near future. Part of chapter 9, and the rest of
Daniel, has not yet been fulfilled. The Church is NOT found in the book
of Daniel, so the Church does not go through the Tribulation, for the Church is
made up of those who believed Jesus is Christ. In
the verse, Daniel 11:38 But in his estate shall he honour
the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold,
and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.--
The "God of forces" is Jehovah God whom Antichrist will pretend to honor verbally,
along with Baal and himself. Any Bible which makes the "G" in God lower
case is a piece of trash, even if it is a KJV, and the man who teaches that the
"God of forces" is Satan-- that man is a blasphemer.
Chapters 5 at the end, and
the first verses of 6, teach me that Israel will be restored to Jehovah after
two thousand years from the rejection of Messiah. ALL those who teach that
Israel's promises are to be fulfilled in the Church Age are arrogant impostors
on the Lord's Church and ought to be excom-municated and sent to Tema to hoe fava
beans and tread the wine press.
believe that Chapter Two of Joel has absolutely NOTHING to say about the Gentile
Church as claimed in Pentecostalism. The tongues speaking in Joel and Acts
were the experience of the early Jewish Church ONLY! The Jewish Church at
Pentecost received a limited time offer of the Holy Spirit to Israel in the early
Church Age. They refused it, so the unfinished prophecies in Joel will be
fulfilled FOR THE JEWS during the coming Great Tribulation to convince them that
God has indeed come to Israel. To confound this with the Times of the Gentiles
creates a ground for chaos in doctrine, as is seen in the loonie bin in Toronto
Blessing, Branhamites, Brownsville, Promise Keepers, British Israelism, Reconstructionism,
and many other mongrel doctrines according to Mother Goose.
believe that BEFORE two can walk together (3:3), they MUST have already agreed.
This does NOT mean they set aside whatever they disagree on in order to
walk together with an heretic. I
believe the most useful ministers of the Lord's Church are common men who are
not too lofty to herd sheep and pick figs. Church patriarchs who have risen
above the common man are worthless impostors who ought to be thrashed with a hickory
switch, beginning with the Pope in Rome and right down to Lee Roberson who basks
in adulation beyond measure.
Edom, I believe that pride of heart will result in calamity in my life or that
of the Lord's Church.
would rather obey God right away than to be "part of the miracle" of
the fish's vomit. I
am not to hold anyone unworthy of hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I
am not to complain when God has mercy on wicked men who repent. After all, I too
was once a poor damned sinner and slob.
In the last days, Messiah
will establish a real house of rule in Mount Zion which will be exalted above
all the earth. I believe that the nations, as we know them today, will be
destroyed and replaced by humble and pleasant kings and policies.
believe that Nineveh was destroyed in the past according to prophetic prediction.
I can depend on God to keep all of his promises.
believe that Jesus Christ will gather the Jews, probably from Tema, and bring
them into Jerusalem after He has killed all the rebels of the earth who rise up
against Him.
believe that most Zionists are counterfeit Jews who will have intelligence with
the prince who shall come. They will be destroyed during the Tribulation
so that blood line believing Jews can inherit the Kingdom with Christ (Chap. 3).
following passage was delivered to Judah after they returned from the captivity
in Babylon. While God intended it primarily to the Jews, nevertheless; it
DOES show what He will do with any nation which comes to know Him personally and
then turns back to follow the flesh and the Devil. I believe that VERY soon,
natural disaster, terror from space, or some outside enemy will destroy the happy,
worldly, and self-indulging life of the Western world. America will fall
horribly into the pit of despair for her murder of 70 million unborn babies and
for electing leaders over the past 50 years who were racist, adulterous, Freemasons,
and godless pagans. Mark it down!! Haggai
1:1 In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, in the first day
of the month, came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet unto Zerubbabel
the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Josedech, the
high priest, saying, 2 Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, This people
say, The time is not come, the time that the LORD'S house should be built.
3 Then came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet, saying, 4 Is it time
for you, O ye, to dwell in your cieled houses, and this house lie waste?
5 Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways. 6 Ye have
sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but
ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that
earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes. 7 Thus saith
the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways. 8 Go up to the mountain, and bring
wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified,
saith the LORD. 9 Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when
ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the LORD of hosts. Because
of mine house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his own house. 10 Therefore
the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit.
11 And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and
upon the corn, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the
ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labour
of the hands. Just
before the Kingdom reign of Messiah Christ, which is just around the corner, God
will exalt Israel and the Jews who are left after He destroys arrogant Jews and
rebels in Israel (Zephaniah 3). God
will exalt Israel. Thus,
we are now just at the door of the next great era in human history. America
is leading the rebellion against God, and America is concerned with one thing
alone-- the good life and her toys. So, God WILL destroy America very soon.
I am delighted, for we need to leave the profane and sloppy Agape world
Church behind, and we need to get on into the glorious Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Even so, come Lord Jesus. MARANATHA
believe that the kingdom promised to Israel is very real, and it is all in the
future as promised by the prophets. I
believe that a woman, probably the world Whore system, will soon be bundled up
and carried by dirty spirits to Shinar and Babylon to establish world religious
or political rule (Chap. 5).
believe that the Lord God of heaven still hates putting away (divorce). The
church (or preacher) who does not excommunicate any saint who causes divorce is
a reprobate and retrograde church. The church who exalts a two time divorced and
remarried pastor is in arrogant rebellion against the person of Jesus Christ.
believe that to use the "windows of heaven" in Malachi to teach legal tithing
in the Church Age is nutty as a fruitcake. I Corinthians 16 is the place
to teach giving in the Church Age. I
believe that God has a book in heaven in which He records the zeal of all those
in all ages who speak to one another of righteousness and judge sin openly. I
would count one entry in that book after my name of infinitely higher value than
the accolades of the most profound and high browed potentate.
in the Old Testament It
is virtually impossible to prove, from the Old Testament, that one Jew or
Gentile ever "got saved" by believing in the shed Blood of Jesus Christ.
Such teaching is lunatic and borders on heresy. To see how
Old Testament saints were justified, read Hebrews 11. In
fact, to claim that the Blood of Jesus was working in the Old Testament is
very much like Roman Catholic teaching of the Mass. The implication is that
Jesus shed His literal physical Blood in eternity past, and this is sub-christian
mysticism and void of biblical evidence. Apply
this to our era, and you may well wander off and believe in some future manifestation
of the Messianic Kingdom to be born again. There is no biblical teaching like
this either. This is precisely what the Hebrew Roots Movement teaches,
in that they require a Messianic message and vocabulary in order for the Church
to be right with God. This
heresy is also taught by many Fundamental Baptist pastors who are too stupid
to use the literal Word of God. Why? They are desperate to be approved by
their fellow pastors and be chosen to be the President of the Baptist pastor's
fellowship. Their creed is their own resumé. However;
we also reject the other extreme which says that Old Testament saints, and
coming Tribulation saints, have to work to earn their salvation. All saints,
or believers, in every dispensation, were saved by faith in God, and it was
counted to them for righteousness. The Ruckmanite teaching of salvation by
works during the Great Tribulation is no different than the works salvation
of the tin plated bishops of Salt Lake City. The
Gospel is everlasting, delivered ONCE, and it is of only ONE kind:
Revelation 14:6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst
of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on
the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common
salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye
should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the
saints. Any
man who was ever justified by God was justified by faith-- Faith in whatever
revelation, command, or promise God made to him.
purposes of dispensational truth, I believe that the Old Testament ends at the
end of chapter 24 of Matthew. Jesus tells me in Matthew that Jonah was swallowed
by a "whale," and those who reject this are attacking the person of God. I
do not believe that Matthew was a redactor or editor who put words in Jesus' mouth.
Every word in Matthew was spoken into the canon by the breath of God the
Holy Spirit-- Talbot Seminary, Dallas Seminary, Bob Jones Unifarsity, and Biola
Unibarfity scholars notwithstanding. All men who claim that Matthew added
his own uninspired notions to his Gospel will burn in Hell for eternity, which
is just and right.
discussion of the alleged "synoptic Gospels" is a large load of horse manure.
The Gospels each stand alone as distinct works of the Holy Ghost who made
them alike and different just as He chose. The last part of Mark 16, all the way
to the "Amen" of verse 20, is just as much part of the Word of God as any other,
and 15 early church fathers quoted it in proof texting. All who question
it as the Word of God are blasphemers and will burn in Hell according to Revelation
22. That is fine with me, for I would not want the idiots hanging around the Throne
of Jehovah blabbering, "We believe that these verses were not in the original
manuscripts. And, we believe that the throne of God is figurative."
Luke Jesus told the disciples to get a sword for self-defense after He went back
to heaven. I too may take up a sword, but only in self-defense in secular
situations. This weapon CANNOT be used to enforce God's order in the earth
as suggested by Reconstructionists, Identity freaks, and the Militia. Luke
teaches me that Jesus never sinned, from the cradle to the cross. For this
reason, Jesus can be my substitute, pay the price for my sins, and redeem my life
from destruction. Thank you, my precious Lord.
I believe that Jesus Christ
was from eternity past, the creator of "the beginning," and by Jesus
all things in this earth live and move and have their being. I believe that
a man can and must be born again by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ with repentance
for sin (Chapter 3). I do confess my faith in The Lord Jesus Christ-- with
the mouth confession is made unto salvation. I believe that Jesus prayed for me
in chapter 17 to secure me in a relationship with God as absolute as the relationship
of Jesus in the Godhead. I cannot get out of His hand, not even by my own
efforts, which mongrel error is taught by many Pentecostals and Holiness Balaams. REGARDING
four Gospels are given to us to show the preeminence of the Lord Jesus Christ
and his work among us to save all men if they will believe. Those who use the
"Romans Road," or other Epistles, to win souls are using the teaching
to the Church to try to win sinners. This explains why so many alleged saints
are still born. The Gospel is in the Gospels. The confession of faith God wants
to hear is: John
6:68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words
of eternal life. 69 And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ,
the Son of the living God. Those
who add methods, steps, or plans to that simple confession are sending souls to
hell. John
20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed:
blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. 30 And many other
signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written
in this book: 31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is
the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his
believe that the book of Acts is a transitional book, and the first 9 or 10 chapters
are history of the Jewish Church, but they are not necessarily to be duplicated
in church life teaching for the Times of the Gentiles. Water baptism is
not active in saving anyone, rather; water baptism is only given to those who
are already completely born again (Chapter 8). The Old Testament Jew in the early
Church was "saved" in the OT model, so his baptism came AFTER salvation, not "for"
salvation. I
believe that the Apostle Paul, as well as all of the Apostles, went to the Gentiles
with the Gospel of faith which later resulted in water Baptism of immersion, church
fellowship in the homes, singing hymns, preaching long sermons, the Lord's Supper,
Christian giving out of love in the giver's heart (NOT tithing, and not faith
promise gambling), casting out devils, and persecution, among other things.
believe that if the Apostle Paul knew that some preachers took 10 years to preach
through Romans, he would be hopping mad. I agree with the Holy Ghost in
the description of unnatural sin in Chapter One, and I too have "given them
over..." I believe that all have sinned, that salvation is of the Jews (Jesus
WAS a Jew you know), that any man who is in Christ is 100% NEW, that with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation, that there is therefore now no condemnation,
and that we are to mark them which cause division and offense contrary to the
doctrine of the Apostles-- AND avoid them. ...if
I were to declare that man was so free to act that there was no control of God
over his actions, I should be driven very near to atheism; and if, on the other
hand, I should declare that God so over-rules all things that man is not free
enough to be responsible, I should be driven at once into Antinomianism or fatalism.
That God predestines, and yet that man is responsible, are two facts that few
can see clearly. They are believed to be inconsistent and contradictory to each
other. If, then, I find taught in one part of the Bible that everything is foreordained,
that is true; and if I find, in another Scripture, that man is responsible for
all his actions, that is true; and it is only my folly that leads me to imagine
that these two truths can ever contradict each other [Spurgeon, A Defense
of Calvinism].
believe that tongues speaking, even in the early Jewish Churches, was chaotic
and prone to trouble. It quickly dropped away as the canon of the Word was completed.
This is proven in history-- Circa 100 AD through 1900 AD record NO tongues speaking
by even the most courageous saints until circa 1920. At that time a crazy Black
preacher stuck his head in a butter box in Azusa, California (where else), and
when he pulled his head out he was blabbering in the devil's own language. Even
then, there was not one effort made to justify this doctrinally until Demos Shakarian
crawled out of his theological outhouse with a bucket of Pentecostal "honey" and
tried to add doctrine to it- Circa 1965 (Biltmore Hotel, Hollywood, California
Again!??). I
believe that God is not the author of confusion, so confusion is a sign that a
church is reprobate. I
believe the Lord's supper is to be a holy time which is distinct from social events
of the local church. I believe that the saints are NOW able to live in victory
over death in that they have the absolute hope of resurrection in Christ.
believe that if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, and I am an ambassador
of this Good News to the saints and the lost. In 7:11 I am told that I am not
finished with the attack on heresy until I have taken revenge on it. I am to pull
down strongholds and cast down imaginations in this ministry of revenge. I believe
that there are many angels of light and ministers of light who are fully in the
service of Satan. I believe the godly saints are to be of one mind in all things.
Democracy, and voting, wreck havoc in the Lord's Church. One mind, however; is
not gained by throwing away our Bible based convictions. One mind is NOT based
on a local church pastor "ruling" the saints. Nor is one mind based
on some legalizer's rules and regulations system (by-laws) or on Robert's Rules
of foul Odor.
believe that it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing. A good
place to start is to be crucified with Christ and to live unto Him. I believe
that the law is our school master, and those who burden the saints with Old Testament
law are blithering hypocrites unless they, as Moses commanded, carry a feces
paddle. (Deut. 23:13)
believe that the saints are to use the whole armor of God as instruments of spiritual
warfare, not merely as pretty pictures to put up on the flannelgraph boards of
Sunday School classes. I believe that drunkenness is applied by God ONLY to wine
and booze. Those who are drunk in the church (in the model of wine and booze),
and claim it is the work of the Holy Spirit, are in fact possessed of devils--
they are NOT born again. Their damnation is certain and a blessing to look forward
to. New "manifestations" "wherein is excess" of sexual perversion, nudity, and
bestiality are now following these drunks. Words fail me as I try to express my
revulsion. I hate these enemies of Christ with perfect hatred, as did David. (Psalm
is normal for saints to rejoice. Those who reject singing, and joy in worship,
are blaspheming against the Lord's Church. This does NOT include boogie, CCM,
stride piano Southern Rotspel, and Baptist be-bop, which are mongrel vomit. All
things in the Lord's Church should be done without murmuring and complaining.
If this is not possible, get right, or get out, and go mind your own devilish
believe that we the saints are as complete in Christ as we will ever be. (2:10)
There is NOT "something more," and anyone looking for "something more," in the
model of Catherine Milquetoast Marshall, Ruth Paxson, or the devotional gurus,
will get "something more"-- from Satan. I believe the saints must mortify
the deeds of the flesh and set their affections on things above-- of Christ.
believe that the rapture of the Lord's Church is distinct from the Second Coming
/ Advent. The rapture is subtle and sudden and in the air. The dead in Christ
will also be resurrected for this calling from above. I believe that God raptures
the Church because they are the Bride which is not appointed to wrath but to the
marriage feast of the Lamb. This will take place while Reconstructionists and
Papists on earth are having their profane religion stuffed down their throats
by the Beast. Those saints who, in sadomasochistic zeal, think they are
called to suffer under God's wrath-- They just don't know their God very well
do they? Poor things-- What a wonderful surprise they are about to get as they
go up with the rest of us in spite of the sorrow they have wrecked on their fellow
saints with their sloppy agape.
believe that "signs and wonders," as seen in Christ and the Apostles, are NOT
for the Church age. The "signs and wonders" of today are Satanic and are a prelude
to the reign of Satan in the Tribulation (2:7-9). I believe that Chapter Two shows
that the saints will be taken out of the earth before the Tribulation as the Holy
Ghost leaves who is "letting," or restraining, the evil today. Christ promised
he would not leave us without a Comforter, so we go when the Holy Ghost goes.
Grab hold of that promise and stop the panic party. I believe we may be permitted
to discern who the Antichrist is, but it will not be of any use in our witness
to sinners. So, all the obsession over "Who is the Antichrist," and the Mark of
the Beast, is hot air and reminds me of the guli guli man in Cairo.
believe that an elder (pastor or bishop or elder or episcopas or presberter) is
to be the husband of one wife. That excludes men who are not yet married, men
who have been divorced, especially men who have been married - divorced - remarried
- divorced - remarried, and men with more than one wife. I
believe that the end times spoken of in this book are now upon us.
believe that a preacher or teacher of the Word who does not study with zeal is
not fit to preach and should be rebuked. I believe that I should flee youthful
lusts and unlearned questions, like, "Are there Yannis and Greys in the earth
which were hatched by demons and the daughters of man?" And, "What is the Mark
of the Beast, and who is the Antichrist?" I believe that rebuke and reproof are
absolutely essential in the work of the Lord, and they must be based on doctrine
and longsuffering. The sneaky call for patience and longsuffering BY the heretic
is out of order and should be openly mocked.
I believe that godly women
will be discreet, obey their husbands, dress modestly from the heart out,
and keep their homes. Worldly women, saved or unsaved, who mock this "life style"
must by openly identified and forbidden to enter the Lord's local churches. I
believe that my salvation is not by works of righteousness which I have done.
I cannot say enough hail Marys, win enough souls, give enough offering, or preach
enough good sermons to save my soul. My salvation was earned by Jesus Christ on
a Wednesday evening, outside of Jerusalem, 2000 years ago.
about the law is a worthless discussion, especially with legalistic Baptists,
SDAs, Hebrew Rooters, Reformers, and Reconstructionists. It makes me tired,
so I just avoid it. If they come after me with their law, I attack them viciously
and "raise the level of hostilities." Baptist
Standards be damned!
believe that ANY offense committed against me by a saint, regardless of the world's
opinion, must be forgiven by me if the offender seeks reconciliation and forgiveness.
An heretic who rejects rebuke and who continues in error is NOT included.
believe that I am not to forsake the assembling of myself with the saints. I believe
that it is impossible to please God without faith in Jesus Christ. All religions
and systems which do not preach exclusive faith in Jesus Christ are alien and
mongrel religions. I
believe that man dies once and then stands before God. There is no purgatory,
no near death and return, no trip to heaven and back, and there is no reincarnation.
I believe that any alleged Christian who lives like a dog, rolls around and vomits
on himself at the front of the church, and refuses to repent of sin-- If he is
not chastened of God-- That person is a "bastard". (Hebrews 12:8)
believe that works don't save a man, but any saint who is genuine WILL work to
please God and to show other saints he is born again. A profession of faith alone
is not any confidence to careful church leaders. I believe that where envying
and strife are, there is every evil work. I believe that those who draw nigh to
God, and who resist the devil, find that Satan flees from them. I believe that
the prayer of faith by church leaders, in common settings, is used of God to heal
in this part of the Church Age. Sudden and sign healing in big auditoriums
is demonic and profane. It is counterfeit and gives false hope.
believe that I am to abstain from fleshly lusts, and in compassion, I am to not
render evil for evil, but I must bless and be a blessing. I am to be so much in
the Word of God that I am always ready to give an answer for the hope I have in
Christ. I believe that the only priesthood in the Church Age is the ordinary believer.
Any Romaist priest, great missionary statesman, moderator, chairman, metropolitan,
Pope, potentate, principality, dictatorial preacher, or denominational leader
is a counterfeit of New Testament leadership and is to be mocked and ignored.
believe that the Word of God came not by the will of men, who want to make a publishing
windfall on new bible versions, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by
the Holy Ghost. The manifestation of the Word of God today, in English, is the
King James Bible ONLY. I give special attention to saints who share my zeal
in this conclusion. I
believe that the physical earth and heavens, as we now know them, will one day
melt and be burned up. So, they are now here for us to use up and enjoy
in moderate responsibility. God will one day create a new heavens and a new earth.
I believe that when I encounter a Balaam who is leading the saints astray and
cursing the truth, I, as a "dumb ass", am to bluntly prevent the false
teacher from adding further madness.
believe that any alleged saint who claims to have no more sin is calling God a
liar, and His Word is not in them-- they are not born again. Virtually everything
in the world not under the Father's authority is wicked. I believe there is a
time when I must "try the spirits" to see if they are of the Holy Spirit. I
believe that the verse, "1 John 5:7 For there are three
that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these
three are one" is most certainly canon Scripture, and anyone disclaiming
it as pure Words of God is damned to hell in a hand basket.
believe that if anyone comes to me with a doctrine not found in the Apostle's
doctrine, I.E. the Word of God, I may not befriend him or allow him into my house.
believe that any Diotrephes who brutalizes the saints in the Lord's Church is
to be publicly rebuked and forced to repent or leave the church at once. I note
that 99% of all Diotrephes in the Lord's church are highly versed in Scripture,
and have had times of victory in their past days. This they use as a weapon to
rule the saints' lives. If Diotrephes is allowed to exalt himself into the pulpit,
you will soon see him thrashing sheep and tossing them out the door. When a 14
year old brat flings himself on the altar and comes up claiming"I am called
to preach," you are watching the hatching forth of a Diotrephes.
believe that I am to be thoroughly contentious in defending the faith and the
Word of God, where the faith is found. I am not to hold back any words or language
which describes those who attack the Word of God, unless the words are not edifying.
I am to have compassion on some rebels if they will respond to rebuke, but I am
to make a difference between them and others who refuse to repent.
believe Jesus is the first and the last of everything. He holds the keys to hell
and death, and men ought to seek peace with Him. I believe that we are in the
Laodicean Church Age and that Christendom at large has been spued from God's mouth.
I expect to hear, "Come up hither" at any minute, for this was said to John BEFORE
he was shown the Great Tribulation. I believe the Great Whore is still a whore--
only her words have become sweeter and more seductive since Vatican II. I
believe that The Revelation of John is the last of the revelation of God to man.
Those who add or take away from the Word of God, especially in modern bibles,
are damned to hell unless they repent and burn their profane bibles. (Chapter
22). I
am looking for Jesus at any moment. Here
is the anthem of Post Tribulation eschatology: (To be sung to the tune, "Glad
Day") Sad
day, Sad day, It's not the crowning day; Jesus my Lord's not coming
for me, The beast and false prophet soon I'll see; Sad day, Sad day,
It's not the crowning day.
from a reader: Can
a person lose his salvation by some sin or doubt?
Once you are truly born
again, the Holy Spirit witnesses with your spirit that you are born again. Now
you feel when you are discouraged etc has no effect on what God thinks about it.
You are saved.
Never let anyone take away your confidence in Christ once you have it. My problem
is with people who were raised in church and never repented and believed in Jesus
as an act of the will. Nor did they ever speak of any personal salvation event
openly before men. They just drifted into the Lord's Church fellowship as a child
and friend of other Christians. They need to make a clear decision for themselves
that they know happened.
Hebrews 10:35 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which
hath great recompence of reward. 36 For ye have need of patience, that, after
ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
Colossians 2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility
and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen,
vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, As
I said, once you have confidence you are born again, LIVE in that confidence and
do not let any man tell you that you can lose your salvation.
1 John 3:7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that
doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. 8 He that committeth
sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose
the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him:
and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. 10 In this the children of
God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness
is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. The
above text is often used to tempt people to think they lost their salvation, but
look at John just two chapters earlier: 1
John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is
not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us
our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we
have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. So,
true saints sin, but they confess it and LIVE a pattern of victory.
John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and
they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never
perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which
gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my
Father's hand. 30 I and my Father are one. The
argument is often made that no OTHER man can take us away from Jesus, but that
WE can take ourselves away from him. That is nowhere taught in the Bible. There
are no conditions in the above text which hint at the possibility that I can escape
from Jesus, once I am truly born again. If I sin and keep sinning, I may very
well receive chastening, but hell is not the destination of any saint.
King Saul walked away from God until God refused to talk to him through the prophet.
Saul finally went to a witch, and Samuel appeared to him, and Samuel said Saul
would die in battle. The interesting thing is that Samuel told Saul that he would
be with him (Samuel) by the end of the day. Samuel was in the bosom of Abraham,
as were all Old Testament Jews until Jesus took them "captive" to be with the
Father. So, Saul was chastened, but he did not go to hell.
Lot also lived in a filthy homosexual community by choice, and he offered his
virgin daughters to a mob one night. But what did God say about Lot in the New
2 Peter 4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned,
but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be
reserved unto judgment; 5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the
eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world
of the ungodly; 6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes
condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after
should live ungodly; 7 And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation
of the wicked: 8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and
hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)
9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve
the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: Verse
7 !!!!!!!!! "just Lot" That is a hard one to swallow when we recall how he behaved
on that night long ago and how he chose that filthy city on purpose. The problem
is, we pompous Christians measure men by our little short sighted standard, but
God sees the heart. God saved Lot because the man had a heart that hated the sin
God hated.
Read about Jehu. He didn't finish the job of cleansing the land, and later was
less than perfect, but God said Jehu had "a heart like my heart." What a mouthful
under the circumstances. God knows your heart and your faith, and how YOU may
act or feel about it, from time to time, changes nothing.
Keep the faith
Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto
you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort
you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto
the saints. Don't
let anyone rob you of the joy of your salvation.
of those who try to retread born again people. That is, they try to make saved
people unsaved so that they can coax them into walking the aisle again. These
crooked bums are just too lazy to find real sinners and spend the time and effort
it takes to get them saved. I have to wonder if some of these evangelists are
even saved if they really believe preaching the Gospel means getting saved people
unsaved to their advantage and glory. Ugh