Searching for the Truth in the King James Bible;
Finding it, and passing it on to you.

Steve Van Nattan









Micah 3:5 Thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that make my people err, that bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace; and he that putteth not into their mouths, they even prepare war against him.


This page is a discussion of the tactics of the Jackboot in the pew. It also applies to many Jackboot pastors, for the devils who indwell these Jackboots, no matter who they are, are all fallen angels who use the same ugly tactics they have used for thousands of years. Whether Achan, Korah, or Judas, they are demon possessed and dangerous.

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The following letter was sent in by a victim of Jackboots in a local church.


The jackboot we are dealing with has cultivated "friendships" for years and years with different people in different financial strata, or different professions. Then, when he has a problem, he has a pool of resources to draw help or "support" from. There were several of these "friends" who wrote nastygrams to (our pastor) in support of the jackboot when their confrontation with the local church started to happen. The jackboot is really good at getting people to think that they owe him favors or help in return for things he has done for them. There is no such thing as a "favor" from a jackboot; if he does something for you, you are indebted to him for the rest of your life, in his estimation. He did a lot of things for me, but I reciprocated with lots of help of my own, and he knows it.

It has become apparent that these jackboots never, NEVER forget anything that anyone has ever said that could somehow be USED later in the future. The jackboot has "reminded" me of things that I said to him, and manages to take everything he remembers and twist it until the context is nowhere to be found. Someone else here told me about our jackboot back when all this mess started that he twists virtually everything to justify and suit himself and his purpose. Those guys' entire lives were dedicated to finding ways and means to manipulate people for their personal agendas. One other fellow in church here who has known our resident jackboot for a long time described him as "dangerous". I think that is an understatement.

The jackboot has no qualms about letting his slave jackboot helpers look like the bad guy in all this. The funny thing is that if the jackboot told his fellow terrorists that he expected one of them to jump off a cliff, they would probably consider it. So, in other words, the jackboot could put a stop to all the terror immediately, but he lets his his understudies go down the tubes in the service of the Fuhrer.

These people are world-class con artists. I used to read about people like this in the espionage/intrigue/suspense type paperback novels that I used to read before I got saved, but never expected to run into someone operating in this fashion in my church. Looking back on things, there were a lot of little things that were wrong with their alleged "ministries," but it looked like a good work was being accomplished and missionaries and such were being helped and blessed. I suppose they were being helped to an extent, but at the same time they were just being put on a stringer like a bunch of catfish, waiting to be taken home and gutted."

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Editor: Steve Van Nattan-- Comment:

The following discussion concentrates on the Jackboot in the pew, but you must also understand that Jackboot pastors CAN be demon possessed, and many of the following tactics work for them just as well as they work for the Jackboot in the pew. If you are a Jackboot preacher, you will now be reading about yourself. You are a piece of the cheapest cowardly trash on earth, for the things you do to victimize the saints in the local church would get you killed or castrated with men of the world. There is no one on earth more disgusting than YOU. The sooner you and your devil are in hell, the better I will like it.

The moral of the above letter is this-- Do not keep contact with Jackboots. Do not respond to their calling to you and their seemingly sincere concerns. Do not believe even one thing they write in E-Mail or post on their Web site. They will be ever so helpful and understanding of you until you take a stand defending the saints they attack, especially some pastor they wish to destroy. After you take a stand with those good saints, or even decline their advances, the Jackboot will at once add you to the top of the list for attack. This is why you must avoid the Jackboot totally-- no mercy, no contact, no foolish notions that you will save them:

Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

There is no "DMZ" with a Jackboot. You WILL join him, or he will seek to destroy you and your reputation. You may stand on the sidelines and be only moderately interested and hardly involved. But, once the Jackboot sends you E-Mail or phones you, you are IN. You are going to be dragged in all the way, like it or not. So, watch what you say to men who are not totally committed to the Lord and the Body of Christ.

When you hear flattery and over statement, when you see methods used which are not biblical, when you hear someone asking lots of questions about the saints' personal lives, when even the mildest accusations start to be raised in the most compassionate way, stand back and shut up. "Anything you say could be used against you." Also, when a saint comes before the leaders of the local assembly for examination for some reason, if you trust your leaders, DO NOT listen to the Jackboot in private as he or she tries to spin their troubles into gossip and slander. Listen, and you will be deceived. Devils in Jackboots know how to make themselves sound VERY spiritual and concerned. No one sounds better than a Jackboot who is slandering the leaders of the local church. If he is soliciting your loyalty, he will not come right out and campaign for it like a politician. He will do you favors, do good works when you are around, like handing out tracts, and he will even do good works for the leaders who are examining him. This is all to convince the saints in the assembly that he is indeed an innocent bystander, when in fact, he is the chief thorn of Satan to torment that church.

I know how this works, I have been there, and I may die under attack because I tried to be the friend of a down trodden Jackboot. Everything I ever told him about my struggles and sorrows in life has been twisted and fabricated into filth. My thorn has gleaned all the problems in my extended family from far and near, things that are terrible burdens to me, and the Jackboot has twisted them to make me the cause and participant in all those sorrows. Anyone he hates who is my friend is a queer, like he claims I am. This Jackboot is pushing the patience of the saints to the max, for if he did these things and thus slandered a man of the world this way, he would be singing soprano by now.

I saw it happen in the woods of Michigan once. A Vietnam Veteran married a mentally slow lady, and he told his neighbors that if they tried to take advantage of her sexually, he would kill them. A neighbor did just that, and the Vet took his shot gun and blew off the offender's family jewels. The Vet was known as such a good shot that the court rejected a charge of murder. The man shot off the offending hardware just as he intended to do. The world has methods of justice which we cannot use in the church house.

The most filthy E-Mails have been sent to me since the Jackboot decided to add me to his hit list. Witches and sodomites do not send me the low level of verbal filth I receive from these "good godly" Jackboots who hate me. I have done a tour in the US Army, worked in a paper mill, worked with dairymen (very filthy bunch), and I have spent many breaks in the faculty lounges in many public schools. I thought I had heard it all, but these Jackboots are the most gifted filth I have ever heard from. There are anonymous Jackboots, and there are those who flaunt their identity. I have kept it all, and I have traced it to their ISPs, and if I sued them, I would own them. Now, tell me, what kind of blessing would come of that?

This brings up a rather troubling thought. The devils in a Jackboot don't care if they destroy the Jackboot in the process. Devils want to make havoc of any human's life, so the Jackboot is to be pitied, for his devil is also longing for the day when a saint (or unsaved relative of a saint) goes over the edge and kills the Jackboot. The devil will simply move on over to a new victim and start over, while the Jackboot goes to burn in hell. The Jackboot is to be pitied, that is, if one is able to bring up this emotion.

UPDATE 2017- Since I first wrote this article, the jackboot being discussed got into severe mental breakdown, and soon afterward died a horrible death of cancer. The moral is, if you take up the vocation of being a raging Christian destroyer and jackboot, you will be the eventual victim of Satan when you lose your mind.

So, the Jackboot rages on. He knows his victims will not likely sue him because the experience would dirty them so much. Reading one of his letters into the court record would be impossible to many of the victims, for the words used have never rolled off of their tongue. I am serious, I have NEVER heard the language and filth used in all my life by one man like I have received in E-Mail from one particular Jackboot. And, if you met him as he was trying to sucker you in, you would be greatly impressed by his deeply spiritual and godly speech and concern for the deeper life in Christ.

I would rather walk into the sleaziest bar in town, and field the rabble there, than to deal with a demon possessed Jackboot. The only problem is, the Jackboot would be waiting in the bar with a digital camera to take a photo of me which he could give a sinister interpretation and show the world.

In Ethiopia we had a baboon for a pet. It was not full grown, and it was a lot of fun. But, as it got older, the baboon learned how to open its cage, and it learned where all our choice vegetables were planted. It eventually learned to open every device I used to lock it in its cage, and when it escaped, it would run straight for the choicest fruits and vegetables on the compound. Finally, its social manners got to be terrible, and we had to take it far away and turn it loose. It would not leave our compound, and its behavior could not be changed. The Jackboot is just like that baboon, and no one can change his behavior, not even God. Frankly, I would rather live with baboons than Jackboots. You see, God gave us all choice, and God will not force a man to do good. God can remove the man, or he can punish the man, but that man must decide if he will repent and be changed by the Holy Ghost.

I have yet to hear of a Jackboot who repented. This is why they are so dangerous. One Jackboot in Michigan moves from church to church endearing himself to the pastor. The first Sunday he tells the pastor, "We have looked all over this area for a man who teaches the Word of God, and I think we have found him. We will be back." The pastor, if he is not alert to this ploy, will be flattered and inhale the incense. The next Sunday, the Jackboot gets under conviction and walks the aisle to repent and pray at the altar call. After that the Jackboot looks the pastor up between Sundays to just visit and buy him lunch. He will hand the pastor a hundred dollar bill one Sunday and say, "Pastor, you look tired. Take this and go stay overnight at a bed and breakfast somewhere." Now, what pastor worth his salt is not tired all the time?

This is a true story, and I watched the jerk do it six times in twelve years.

By this point the pastor really trusts the Jackboot and may start to seek out his counsel. The Jackboot has learned to use the Bible and quote Scripture to answer questions, but he always makes the thing agree with the pastor's presuppositions. Finally, the pastor decides the Jackboot should teach a Sunday School class. It is always an adult or young married class. At this point the Jackboot has amassed a body of beliefs and teachings he knows the pastor feels strongly about. The Jackboot will pick the most controversial teaching of the pastor, and the one the pastor is cautious about teaching due to a number of saints in the assembly who would be offended easily or disagree.

The Jackboot will lead his Sunday School class along to a passage where this teaching is obvious, and he will teach it viciously. After maybe two Sundays of pounding on the thing, and after several people are mad, the Jackboot will say, "Pastor Smith and I agree on this teaching. Our pastor should be commended for correctly interpreting the Word of God on this issue." When people resist this, the Jackboot will send them to the pastor to confirm that he does indeed teach that. BOOM! Secret board meeting without the pastor. Call for a vote and ask the pastor not to attend. So long, preacher. This happened in a church only three miles from my home in Michigan.

Here is the weird trick. The Jackboot under discussion, having split the church and caused the pastor to be run off, does NOT stay and take control as most trouble makers would. He leaves, goes off to another local church in the area, and starts all over again. His "calling" in Satan is to destroy churches and pastors. To my knowledge, this man has never repented and fully believes he is called to do what he is doing. He is so notorious that all pastors in the area where he lives now know about him and will run him off. So, he has developed a new strategy-- He sends his son first, and the son does the same general number. Finally, the son gets a long face and tells the pastor that no one will let his dear spiritual Daddy repent of his past sins. The soft headed pastor will tell the son to bring his parents to church, and the next Sunday, guess what? The old man walks the aisle and repents, again. He is back in his "ministry" for the evil spirits which control him.

I have thought that one solution would be to bundle up a Jackboot, like that baboon we had in Ethiopia, and haul him to a far country and tell him if he came back that he would be eliminated. The problem is, God, Moses, and Cotton Mather might approve, but Caesar has made the habitat of the Jackboot secure with various laws.

The worst thing is this. My troubles from the Jackboot who torments me are nothing compared to the suffering of other pastors and local church saints which Jackboot man and women, and their slaves, are attacking. These people, including children and old ladies, are taking the full force of Satan who works in these Jackboots. Devils are absolutely evil, so they use their human workers to attack the weak. They are cowards and bullies, for a man of godly zeal, in a cause for truth and the Lord, seeks out the strong point and launches an honorable battle to win. These natural brute beasts seek the children, youth, and ladies to attack, and the Jackboots use their godly lives to borrow credibility. This is the same principle which drives demonic Liberals to lust for the blood of babies in abortion clinics and child protection agencies worldwide. This is why God assigns angels to children-- without supernatural help, all children would be dead or criminals within ten years of birth. The Jackboot loves to see children turned to hate, sorrow, sickness, death, and rebellion. They train their own children to this end.

I am sure some of these victims have even suffered mental and physical pain from this, for it is very hard for a person to read the filthy lies a Jackboot prints for the world. The victim must see and know that his friends all around the USA and the world are having to figure out if he is as evil as the Jackboot claims. The Jackboot will use the E-Mail address, and manner of talk, of many sweet saints to send counterfeit mail all over the world in which he assumes the identity of sweet old ladies and loyal deacons. These victims suffer deeply, and the Jackboot loves to see the rare event when one of his victims has a heart attack or nervous break down. This is a time for celebration for the demon possessed Jackboot.

These people who are victimized are defenseless. You cannot defend yourself from a Jackboot short of deadly force-- at least not in the earth. One church in California, which I know of, developed a Jackboot team who decided the pastor was no good. That pastor indeed had problems, but the Jackboots never discussed that with him. They set about to collect every nasty story they could glean, about him and his wife, from far and wide from his past. They succeeded in making his wife into a virtual whore by innuendo and gossip. Also, they and their children all watched the pastor like a hawk to see if they could catch him in something evil. Finally, one of the Jackboot's kids was at a party at the pastor's house. This kid checked everything it seems, looking for something out of order.

The kid struck pay dirt in the Refrigerator-- a bottle of wine. Nothing was said to the pastor, but that bottle of wine became the key to the destruction of that pastor. He was not questioned in love to see if he had a drinking problem. He was not asked if he had some legitimate use for the wine. Beer kills slugs in the garden, and vodka is a good tincture for making various herb concoctions, as with chili pepper and vanilla. The wine was probably not being used innocently, and the wine should not have been there, but it was used by the Jackboots to destroy the man and his ministry. He went away whipped. He might have been helped to become a better pastor and tighten up on his standards, but the Jackboots had determined to destroy him, not help him. No matter what the problems of the targeted victim, the method is of devils, so the whole thing is Satanic, NOT of the Holy Ghost.

The only defense against a Jackboot is the Lord Jesus Christ, and in His perfect will, our Lord sometimes waits quite a long time to let the cup be filled before He sends the "evil messenger" to even the score. One Jackboot has lost his first wife to cancer, and his second wife is fighting to stay alive with cancer, but he rages on and drives his Jackboot slaves even harder. He must assume his wives' sufferings are caused by the ones he is attacking-- people who once loved him and helped him in his life needs. Demon possessed people think all backwards in every way.

Why did God make hell?

Answer: Can you imagine what heaven would be like if God went all mushy and decided to just cancel hell and let everyone into heaven out of mercy. These Jackboots are the kind of beasts that God wants you to be delivered FROM. God the Son said, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you..." One Jackboot in heaven would make eternity into pure hell for the saints. Thank God for the "blessed hope" or the Glory.

AND, thank God for hell. What a blessed deliverance hell promises to the true child of God who is tormented by Jackboots.

Psalm 55:1 Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication.
2 Attend unto me, and hear me: I mourn in my complaint, and make a noise;
3 Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me.
4 My heart is sore pained within me: and the terrors of death are fallen upon me.
5 Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me.
6 And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.
7 Lo, then would I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness. Selah.
8 I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest.
9 Destroy, O Lord, and divide their tongues: for I have seen violence and strife in the city.
10 Day and night they go about it upon the walls thereof: mischief also and sorrow are in the midst of it.
11 Wickedness is in the midst thereof: deceit and guile depart not from her streets.
12 For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:
13 But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance.
14 We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company.
15 Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.

We need not be ashamed to cry out to God, as David did, for the soon death and dispatching to hell of the wicked, particularly the Jackboot who used us in "sweet counsel" and who seemed to be such a blessing as we "walked unto the house of God." You may pray for their death and destruction-- it is NOT unspiritual, and God may quickly respond to your prayers. I pray this way daily against certain alleged saints who attack the saints.

Again, this discussion fits both Jackboot preachers and Jackboots in the pew, and both are worthy of death as much as any sodomite or witch. Ironically, there is more hope to see repentance in a sodomite or witch than there is with a Jackboot preacher or ex-pew rat.

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Pastor Steve Breaks Free of Beth Moore: A Testimony
(The Steve in this story is not the editor of Blassed Quietness Journal)

BY SETH DUNN · MAY 27, 2017

Note: The following is a testimony from a pastor in Arkansas who broke free from Beth Moore

My name is Steve, I am a pastor.

For five years, I was the pastor of a small Southern Baptist Church in rural Arkansas. The church was committed to reaching the local community for Christ and helping those in need. The ladies of the church were also committed to studying God’s word. Unfortunately, they desired to do so using material written by Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer. As their pastor, I could not allow this. One of the primary responsibilities of a pastor is to protect the flock. This involves being able to refute those who contradict sound doctrine (Titus 1:9). Moore and Shirer are not sound Bible teachers. Thus I found myself in the uncomfortable position of informing the women under my pastoral care that materials from Moore and Shirer were not to be used in church-sponsored Bible study. This did not go over well.

I came under severe attack by many of the women in the church as well as one of the deacons. This particular deacon was in his position despite (as I later found out) believing that Mormons were Christians. Both my wife and I were ostracized by many in the church. It didn’t matter to them that I had a Master’s and two doctorates in philosophy and came to my position on Moore after years of careful study. It didn’t matter to them that I held an office of authority in the church. All that mattered was that I was against Beth Moore. This was one of the most difficult times in my ministerial career. Still, I held firm. Several in the church came to understand and appreciate that I was trying to protect the flock from false teachings. In his providence, God determined to move me elsewhere. I pray that those l left behind will stand firm against false teaching and the popularity cult of Beth Moore.

[Edited by Seth Dunn]


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